Hurricane Ida Response & MDOT Construction Process

The third episode of "The Extra Mile" Podcast features a conversation with MDOT Public Information Officer Katey Hornsby on the agency's Hurricane Ida response. Later in the show, MDOT State Construction Engineer Shane Martin joins to talk about the construction process — from beginning to end.
The third episode of "The Extra Mile" Podcast features a conversation with MDOT Public Information Officer Katey Hornsby on the agency's Hurricane Ida response. Later in the show, MDOT State Construction Engineer Shane Martin joins to talk about the construction process — from beginning to end.

The Extra Mile Episode 3: Hurricane Ida Response & MDOT Construction Process - Show Notes

Show intro with Paul and Waverly

Guest: Katey Hornsby, MDOT Southern District Public Information Officer  
  • Recap of Hurricane Ida's impact on Mississippi 
  • MDOT D6 Engineer Kelly Castleberry soundbite on Hwy 26 washout in George County
  • What Mississippians can takeaway from Hurricane Ida 
  • Importance of being prepared for hurricanes 
  • MDOT hurricane preparedness resources 
MDOT Vaccination Transportation PSA - voiced by Charles Carr, MDOT Director of Intermodal Planning

Guest: Shane Martin, MDOT State Construction Engineer
  • Introduction and how his career took him to be in charge of MDOT Construction Division 
  • What warrants an MDOT construction project? 
  • Talks about MDOT team that drives all the interstates to evaluate and improve roads 
  • Timeline of MDOT construction project
  • Who all is involved in the MDOT construction process? 
  • Different elements involved in MDOT construction process 
  • When does an MDOT construction project go to bid? 
  • Projects Shane has been proud to be a part of during his time at MDOT
MDOT's Road to Game Day campaign - getting everyone to the game safely and delay free

Show Outro 

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